Monthly Archive: October 2013

All Francis Friday: October 18, 2013

 Rorate reports on Francis’ praise of a language that supports the unity of the Church.  Yay!  Right? Within two hours of the publication of an article that criticizes Francis, Radio Maria Italy fired the...

News Roundup: October 17, 2013

The “s” word is being used as a possibility for the Church in Germany.   Crisis summarizes Archbishop Zollitsch’s leaked working paper for “pastoral care for the divorced-remarried”. The government caved, but Thomas More Law...

News Roundup: October 16, 2013

Abridge too far?  Comparing two editions of Les Miserables,  Stephen Fitzpatrick discusses what is lost when editors omit what is “in their estimation, long, boring, and arduous;”    “Fr.” Dwight Longenecker reviews Rod Dreher’s...


One of the things we’ve been noticing in our Season 2 report card (which, if you haven’t filled out yet, you need to do so here) is a trend for some to report that...

News Roundup: October 15, 2013

Was Mars Robert’s surrender to a slovenly Grant the beginning of the “jeans at church” revolution?  Putting manners in a Christian and historical context, The Imaginative Conservative presents “A Requiem for Manners”. “Fr.” Alexander...

News Roundup: October 14, 2013

Common Core standards are being adopted in many Catholic schools and could even impact homeschoolers, according to this Crisis Magazine article by Anne Hendershott. Coming out day at Catholic colleges?  The College Fix reports...

All Francis Friday: October 11, 2013

John Allen at National Catholic Reporter twists the prodigal son parable, making Catholics who don’t like what Francis is doing look bad by comparing them to the elder son.   So in John Allen’s story,...