Monthly Archive: May 2014

All Francis Friday

St. Joan of Arc According to this still-developing  Novus Ordo Watch report, Francis may be organizing a third Council of Nicea to take place in 2025. Who exactly is Sister Fernanda Barbiero?  Rorate has...

From Barrenness to Fecundity

Ascension Thursday “The Bees Needs”:  a fascinating report on the intricate manner in which pollinators and plant species work together to ensure fecundity, via Resilience. Despite the agonizing march of entropy, the exhaustion, and...

About War: Much Sobering Truth

St. Augustine of Canterbury “Our ‘leaders,’ seem now dedicated to a megalomaniacal lust for domination,” says Clyde Wilson in this excellent Chronicles essay on the discouraging history of the US war habit. Tradition in...

All Francis Friday

Just Like a Sporting Event for the Elite:  The Eponymous Flower reports in “The Agape of the Courtiers” the news that Francis’ PR lady, Francesca Chaouqui, sold tickets for 18,000 euros for rooftop seats...