As So Many Arrows

It is THE week of the year!  Approaching is the Solemnity of Solemnities, the great climax whose way is made smooth by the sufferings of the Passion. Consider The Meeting of Jesus and Mary on the Way of the Cross, from the Catholic Kingdom.  Pick up your cross and follow them.


The Church cannot bear to look upon the sufferings of her Beloved in silence and thus she wields the sanctifying sword of the liturgy as never before in Holy Week, the crowning jewel of the liturgical year, begging her children to watch and learn this magnificent Mystery of Divine Love.  We call upon the master, Dom Prosper Gueranger, O.S.B., to prepare our minds and hearts for the events in Passion-tide and Holy Week, supplied by the Catholic Harbor of Faith and Morals. “The army of Christ’s faithful children is still fighting against the invisible enemies of man’s salvation; they are still vested in their spiritual armour, and, aided by the angels of light, they are struggling hand to hand with the spirits of darkness, by compunction of heart and by mortification of the flesh.”  Make it your best, most efficacious Holy Week ever!

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True Restoration

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