Author: True Restoration


Little strikes fear into the heart of a mother more than watching her young child perch precariously at the edge of a railing or dangling from the highest branch of a tall tree… and...

The Bee’s Knees

Nothing proclaims the existence of God quite like taking a peep into the gobsmackingly structured order and workings of a bee hive; the experience possesses an eloquence in and of itself.  True, the produce...

A Child’s Conscience

Today is the feast day of St. Vincent de Paul, patron of charitable societies. St. Vincent is a tremendous example of true Charity and fraternal love. Even the great St. Francis de Sales said...

Yielding Place to the New

Today we invite you to take some moments to first enjoy a country lad’s letter of appreciation as the now grown-up man recalls how good an experience it was for him to be placed...

Festivals and Fortresses

John Horvat II on Return to Order poses the question Why Can’t Americans Enjoy Life?, although it’s clear that the problem he has identified is not confined by national boundaries. Humanity has, by and...

A Queen of Men

Book VII Ethandune: The Last Charge from G.K. Chesterton’s “The Ballad of the White Horse” puts before our eyes the vision King Alfred has of Our Lady standing over the battlefield just when he...


“When man is doing the three or four things that he was sent on this earth to do, then he speaks like one who shall live for ever. …There are in life certain immortal...

Simple, But Not Easy

Scruples can be a torturous vice, but as with all vices, it is conquered by the perfect and simple practice of simple virtues.. Sean Mitchell at Those Catholic Men shares how he benefited from...

Fabulae Mirabiles

In his article, How to Conquer the “Fear of Missing Out” at The Imaginative Conservative, John Horvat II bluntly calls FoMO “a weariness for spiritual things” and goes on to give the concise solution...


Are you present in the moments of your life, or do you wander through hours each day distracted and in a “brain fog?” As Sam Guzman at The Catholic Gentleman points out in his...