Author: Stephen Heiner

A Visit to Nigeria

As many will note in the format change for Restoration Radio this season, we have moved towards a course-based format that focuses on consecutive episodes of one show released over a single month, rather...

Episcopal Etiquette

During my visit to three different countries with the bishop on his most recent trip, I made a couple observations which I had seen on other occasions in other countries which I felt would be...

Canterbury and Contradiction

Bishop Sanborn and I looked above the southwest doors to the ancient cathedral.  On the left we saw Sts. Anselm and Augustine of Canterbury.  And to their right?  Thomas Cranmer.  I was astonished, but...

Learning from Worldlings

I read a fair number of books that focus on themes around the maxim “know (and improve) thyself.”  What still surprises me is that despite the fact that many of them don’t take immortality or...

Ember Days are here again

I hesitated for a moment while the chocolate taste spread across my mouth. My taste buds asked an unusual question of the European chocolate I was enjoying: does this seem too sweet? American chocolate,...

Book Review: Return to Order

Part of the Restoration is understanding where we came from.  Only then can we start to put together commonsense solutions for how to go forward.  Few books in today’s Catholic publishing world do this...

Remember why you are there

It had been a long day.  Despite that, I knew I needed to get to the Oratory 45 minutes early.  Our chapel, designed to hold roughly 50 people, would now have to accommodate in...