Category: Restoration Reader

All Francis Friday

Feast of the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary Hearing Francis praise marriage as an “icon of God’s love for us”, Marielena Montesino de Stuart expertly presents the evidence of Francis’ hypocrisy. Being...

Now You’re Talking

Saints for Today Just in case you wondered why mothers can’t resist engaging their infants in baby talk, this little piece on First Things, with the intimidating title of “Socially Constructed Self” will provide...

A Model to Be Imitated

Saint of the Day:  St. Perpetuus From Dirt to Shirt:  A t-shirt manufacturer focuses on supply chain transparency to win back American jobs from overseas.  TS Designs’ t-shirt labels feature a style number that...

All Francis Friday

Saint of the Day: St. Isidore of Seville Why was the Mafia singled out by Francis for condemnation to Hell?  Could there be a connection between this strict treatment and the friendly relationship between...

To Market, to Market

St. Francis of Paula A new way of thinking of custody of the eyes?  Even adult shoppers place more trust in a cereal if they make eye contact with a character on the box. ...

In Awe of What They Gain

St. Hugh of Glenoble John Clark, a husband and father, discusses ideas for talking to sons about the possibility of a priestly vocation in this Seton Magazine article, “Many Are Called.”  Most Holy Trinity...

All Francis Friday

St. John Capistran The Francis-Obama summit: where the popular one meets the unpopular one so they can exchange gifts and “dialogue” about poverty and world peace.   National Catholic Reporter sums up the meeting...