How Will You Fight?

St. Eulogius

Using a large format camera and a black drop cloth, a documentary photographer captures the homemade weapons of the Ukrainian rebels, including one photo of a helmet with an image of St. Michael painted on it.  Published in Wired, "Photos: The Brutal DIY Weapons of the Ukrainian Revolution" is an inspiring glimpse into the face of courage.

How would you feel about being approached by a salesperson in a store because you had used your iPhone to compare prices online?  Big data is making it happen, according to this Atlantic article by Michael Haydock, PhD. 

They made books to last, but their city is one of constant change.  Andrew Cusack reports that New York City's Rizzoli Bookshop "publishers of some of the finest and most luxuriously printed books on the market," will close its store due to the scheduled demolition of the building by its landlords.

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