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Lenten Sale: Monday 20th to Wednesday 22nd March

Lenten Sale for 2023: March 20, 21, and 22 (Central Time) Quintessential reading and meditational material for Lent, but also necessary for every liturgical season, you can obtain the following books on the Passion...

The Incredible Catholic Mass, Episode 14: Hear Mass Daily and Devoutly

There is no hour in the whole day that is as precious as the time that we hear Mass. Hearing Mass contributes to our eternal salvation, our whole purpose of existence. The text for...

The Summa Theologiæ: The Goodness of God

The Summa Theologiae, Season 7: Prima Pars Q6, A1: The Goodness of God (21 November 2018). Saint Thomas’ magnificent Summa Theologiae needn’t any longer seem intimidating to the average layman, now that Father Arnold...

The Incredible Catholic Mass, Episode 13: Great Merit Is Gained by Offering Holy Mass in a Right Manner

The Mass is unique from any other act of devotion. The merits of Christ are given to us by Christ in the Mass and we offer these merits to God in payment of our...

A Modest Proposal: Fast and Abstinence for all of Lent

The other day one of the messaging groups I’m part of was full of questions as to whether that day required partial or full abstinence and what the norms were outside of Ember Days...

The Incredible Catholic Mass, Episode 12: Priests and Angels Pray and Our Work

Go to Mass and unite your prayers with the prayers of the priest, which are also the prayers of Christ. Your own prayers which are imperfect will be made perfect by this union. Satan...

From the Archives: Fr Donald Sanborn Q&A, Episode 12: The Second Vatican Council and Freedom of Conscience

In this episode of From the Archives: Fr Donald Sanborn Q&A, the then Fr. Sanborn discusses the Second Vatican Council and the freedom of conscience that resulted from it. Are the errors we see...

Forty Days – Bow down your heads to God

“Yesterday, the world was busy in its pleasures, and the very children of God were taking a joyous farewell to mirth: but this morning, all is changed. The solemn announcement, spoken of by the...

The Incredible Catholic Mass, Episode 11: Hope of the Dying and Succor of the Departed

We should pray for the dead that they may rest in peace. Let us offer to God the sacrifice of justice and then trust in the Lord that we will also rest in peace...

Septuagesima Season Sale

Septuagesima Season Sale for 2023: February 20 and 21 (Central Time) Pick up some great books – at great prices – for all that spare time you’ll have during Lent whilst not eating nor...

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