Restoring Music

On my way back to Kansas City I've had a chance to pass a few days at St. Gertrude the Great in Ohio.  After High Mass on Sunday I had a chance to informally videotape Andrew Richesson, not yet 15, perform a very difficult Bach piece as a postlude to Mass.  You'll notice you have multiple keyboards to deal with as well as foot pedals.  Fr. Cekada served as the page-turner!

You'll also find earlier recordings from a couple years ago both from our channel as well as SGG's.

Keep up the fine work, Andrew.  The Restoration has to come in music too, and you are "playing" your part!

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True Restoration

Learn and Live the Catholic Faith

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2 Responses

  1. spoletta says:

    Marvelous, blessed, keep studying.

  2. spoletta says:

    Marvelous, talented, blessed, keep studying.