Tagged: Catholic Church


Señorita Rita at To be Valiant is to be Virtuous recently shared an excerpt from R. P. Quadrupani’s Light and Peace which she entitled The Presence of God. It makes for a short but...

A Phoenix

The resurgence of locally-sourced food and local farmers’ markets betrays a world that aches to reconnect with the land and a more wholesome way of life. Sadly, our oppressively disordered modern culture fails to...

Singed Marks

The Museum of the Poor Souls in Purgatory by Margaret C. Galitzin from Tradition in Action tells of a not-so-famous attraction in a Rome.  The reality of the invisible world is something of which...

What We Need

August 30th is the feast day of St. Rose of Lima, the first saint born of the Americas. Ad Imaginem Dei shares some beautiful art depicting the Patroness of Peru and of all America...

Monkey Business and Great News

Many call upon St. Benedict and wear his medal as protection against the devil, and rightly so, but did you know that another monastic father claims a similar power?  On Friday 4th was celebrated...

The Bee’s Knees

Nothing proclaims the existence of God quite like taking a peep into the gobsmackingly structured order and workings of a bee hive; the experience possesses an eloquence in and of itself.  True, the produce...

A Child’s Conscience

Today is the feast day of St. Vincent de Paul, patron of charitable societies. St. Vincent is a tremendous example of true Charity and fraternal love. Even the great St. Francis de Sales said...