Tagged: Catholic Faith

Such a Waste!

Dr. Mitchell Kalpakgian in his article, The Destruction of Childhood from Truth and Charity Forum, provides an overview of the ways that children are under attack and the techniques used to turn a child...

Horses and Great Silence

“They are difficult horses for mortal men to manage…” Great Books and Horses by Glenn Arbery from The Imaginative Conservative points out how one cannot fully appreciate many of the classics unless one has...

Materialism and 7th Discourse

Theodore Rebard writes for Crisis Magazine, The Origins of Modern Materialism , a revealing piece that traces today’s materialistic mentality back in time to the early fifteenth century, along with its relation to thinking...

Existence. Obedience. Sanctuary.

Today, we have The Thinking Housewife expounding upon what it means to “become as little children” in the post The Secret of Existence. Not only are simplicity and littleness required, but also, and perhaps...