Tagged: Chivalry

What We Need

August 30th is the feast day of St. Rose of Lima, the first saint born of the Americas. Ad Imaginem Dei shares some beautiful art depicting the Patroness of Peru and of all America...

Witnessing Extraordinary Courage

St. Eusebius This Nobility piece will inspire your sons.  It’s the glorious tale of a Catholic knight’s honor and courage in the face of a surprise encounter with seven mounted Mohammedans. How women can...

The Pilgrim’s Journey

I wrote this essay in 2008, as part of a class that comprised my Catholic Studies Minor.  It’s a reflection on St. Ignatius’ autobiography.  We present it as part of the ongoing project to...

News Roundup: October 15, 2013

Was Mars Robert’s surrender to a slovenly Grant the beginning of the “jeans at church” revolution?  Putting manners in a Christian and historical context, The Imaginative Conservative presents “A Requiem for Manners”. “Fr.” Alexander...

News Roundup: August 9th, 2013

Dr. Horvat does a great book review on the Gabriel Garcia Moreno book that most are familiar with, and as with all good book reviews, she manages to tell you enough within the review...