Tagged: contraception

Look at the Children Who Aren’t There

Feast of the Most Precious Blood In “The one about. . .The Entire Sad Contraception Issue Explained,” Ann Barnhardt deals quickly and fearlessly with what people have always believed about contraception, deftly pulls in...

Contraception, Our Tale of Woe

St. Teresa of Portugal “The Four Disastrous Effects of Artificial Contraception,”on A Catholic Life, clearly shows how the dire predictions made in Humanae Vitae have come true.  Additionally, it makes the point that contraception...

We are an Unsteady People

St. Mathias The conflict between our feelings and reason is examined in a new book on Thomistic ethics, Living the Good Life, written by Steven J. Jensen.  It is reviewed here by Christopher O....

May the Holy Cross Be My Light

St. Eucherius The Catholic Gentleman reminds us of the spiritual riches associated with the St. Benedict Medal, explaining its history and the meaning of the various Latin inscriptions and initials, in this post. Yes,...

News Roundup: Sept. 20, 2013

Angaria?  Gregory DiPippo at NLM broadens our understanding of the ember days. Chaos Frank Strikes Again” at Novus Ordo Watch is your one-stop post for off-the-cuff Francis coverage, with links to the whole spectrum...

News Roundup: Sept. 19, 2013

Did all our consumerism start with the Indian trade?  Jason Peters describes how industrial goods can displace a culture in “History as Parable” for The Front Porch Republic. Holy houses!  Charles Cole shares a...

News Roundup: Sept. 5, 2013

Rorate presents another installment in their “Guidance for Young Parents” series, this time a lengthy but most encouraging piece penned by a priest in 1965. Another article, “Heroic Parenthood,” published by Christian Order and...