Tagged: Easter

The Closing of Lent

Holy Week has arrived at long last. For True Restoration, it will mean a break from new radio releases through the Octave of Easter. We’ll resume with a brand new series for the month...

Where Have the Children Gone?

The Thinking Housewife draws upon the words of great American essayist Agnes Repplier in the post Arrested Childhood, which calls into question the wholesomeness and wisdom of showering children with gadgets and smothering them...

Slowly Dying

Catholic Exchange shares Pope Saint Leo the Great on the Passion of the Lord, a sermon which will inspire proper preparation for Easter communion. The words of this great Pope are timeless. “And because...

Milk, Honey, Beauty

In a post that emphasizes the beauty and fullness of the ancient Paschal traditions, Vultus Christi expounds on these practices and their meaning for both monastic and laypeople, neophytes and veterans. Days of Milk...