Tagged: manners

Only One Mistake

“ ‘Our lives are lived under the white glare of eternity, if we only had the eyes to see it. Maurus, our days are flung against a background of finality that frightens one. Did...

H is for Home

Distributivism, Distributism, Agrarianism, Socialism, Capitalism: do you ever wish there was a simpler way to break all the “isms” down into a more comprehensible format than trying to wade through that daunting article filled...

Beloved by God

St. Francis Borgia In “Seeing Through the Eyes of Love,” on Carrots for Michaelmas, a mama reveals her feelings at seeing her 3-year-old dance on parents’ day at the ballet studio and compares it...

News Roundup: October 15, 2013

Was Mars Robert’s surrender to a slovenly Grant the beginning of the “jeans at church” revolution?  Putting manners in a Christian and historical context, The Imaginative Conservative presents “A Requiem for Manners”. “Fr.” Alexander...