Tagged: SSPX

All Francis Friday

St. Nicholas of Myra The Vatican II Church as entertainment.  Rorate sums up the latest scandal involving one of Francis’ advisers in a post titled, “Beyond Belief: A Neoconservative Reality Show.”  If you want...

All Francis Friday

St. Cecilia Fr. Cekada discerns six key points in Francis’ tenure that remain despite the ebb and flow of all the posturing. Just in case you didn’t know, “Pope Francis’ Popularity Grows”, asserts CNN. ...

News Roundup: October 31, 2013

St. Wolfgang Francis a Modernist?  “Rubbish,” says Cardinal Pell, who, like Francis, also believes atheists go to heaven, as reported by the SSPX. “Mock the devil”, says Magdalene Zapp, in this mini rant on...

All Francis Friday: October 18, 2013

 Rorate reports on Francis’ praise of a language that supports the unity of the Church.  Yay!  Right? Within two hours of the publication of an article that criticizes Francis, Radio Maria Italy fired the...

from Poland

A colleague from the other side of the pond recently wrote about his journey out of the “recognize-and-resist” camp, or the “have your pope and anathematize him too” school, recently articulated by Fr. Rioult....

News Roundup: Sept. 25, 2013

The old double-standard for traditional Catholics extends even to scholarly journals according to this letter sent to Rorate. On the road to Compostela, an atheist pilgrim converts to Catholicism.  Read her beautiful story on...