Tagged: Synod on the Family

There is No Sheepfold Left

In this powerful Crisis essay, “Who Will Rescue the Lost Sheep of the Lonely Revolution,” Anthony Esolen speaks for the victims of Vatican II–the children of divorce, the abandoned spouses, the lonely youth who...

Latin and Logic: Good Thinking

St. John Cantius Maybe we should “all speak Latin all the time.”  This Washington Post article pitches “active Latin” as the answer to higher level reading and thinking skills. Inoculate your children against Modernism....

Brick by Brick

Pope Callixtus The aftershocks of yesterday’s midterm report on Synod14 continue to rock the blogosphere, but one of the most interesting things I have read today was actually published on Saturday–two days before the...

All Francis Friday

St. Gregory Nazianzus Taking it to the peripheries?  Sandro Magister uses Pew Research survey results to show that Francis can’t use Germany’s “ideals” as the basis for changing Church teaching, not that Church teaching...

The Time of the Great Choosing

St. Patrick It’s getting hot in the novus ordo pot.  Pat Archbold at Creative Minority Report wonders how Newchurch Catholics would act and why if the Synod on the Family were to allow the...