Tagged: technology


Little strikes fear into the heart of a mother more than watching her young child perch precariously at the edge of a railing or dangling from the highest branch of a tall tree… and...


Are you present in the moments of your life, or do you wander through hours each day distracted and in a “brain fog?” As Sam Guzman at The Catholic Gentleman points out in his...

Hopelessness, Suffering, Prayer

The accelerating and unrelenting parade of gadgets and technology with which the world is obsessed are most assuredly the biggest distraction mankind has ever seen. As the excerpt presented in Science and Hopelessness on...

Humbly Submitting Yourself to Books

St. Francis de Sales Is the goal of higher education wisdom or efficiency?  Intercollegiate Review’s essay, “What Kindle Readers Should Take from Plato,” encourages  Kindle readers to flex their brain muscles, ignore the text search feature,...

Our Mission Statement

True Restoration is a clerically-advised, member-supported, lay-founded Roman Catholic apostolate.  We use the means of print (True Restoration Press), video (True Restoration Media), radio (Restoration Radio), and in-person conferences to bring about a restoration...