Tagged: Traditional Catholicism


It’s the “twinkle in Pa’s eyes,” as Laura Ingalls would say; it’s the laughing at our own fool selves; it’s that spirit for which Saint Philip Neri is so well-known; it’s what Aristotle called...

The Titanic, Fatima, and Feminism

We start today with the truly heroic story of Father Thomas Byles in The untold story of the Titanic’s Catholic priest who went down hearing confessions on Nobility. Father Byles passed up two separate...

Society and Angels

Bishop Williamson of the Society of St. Pius X recently penned two blog posts condemning the sedevacantist position. True to form, Bishop Sanborn was not about to let these attacks on right reason go...

It is Called Repentance

Joseph Pearce’s Tolkien, Trees, and Tradition from The Imaginative Conservative is a great article with spot-on metaphors, such as the philosophy of the tree and that of the cloud, that push home his warnings...

Purely Human Respect

Avoiding The Danger of Human Respect by Alan Scott on Grow in Virtue is both relevant and inspiring. The evil of seeking human respect is difficult to overemphasize. “It’s better to walk in the...

Such a Waste!

Dr. Mitchell Kalpakgian in his article, The Destruction of Childhood from Truth and Charity Forum, provides an overview of the ways that children are under attack and the techniques used to turn a child...

Horses and Great Silence

“They are difficult horses for mortal men to manage…” Great Books and Horses by Glenn Arbery from The Imaginative Conservative points out how one cannot fully appreciate many of the classics unless one has...