
The Beautiful Things

We would prefer, of course, to miss Purgatory altogether, as the saints did, and enjoy the bliss in heaven immediately after death. We may begin to do so by absorbing our senses in things that lead us closer to God, instead of indulging them on things the world seeks.

His Excellency Bishop Donald Sanborn joins the series in Episodes 4 and 5 discussing "What is Art?".

Beginning in Episode 6, His Excellency Bishop Daniel Dolan discusses with Stephen Heiner things which the church uses to attract and uplift our senses to holy things, such as the use of incense, the sound of bells, and holy images. Throughout this series we will cover some of the more attractive external aspects of the Church and the origins of certain artworks which enrapture us with a sense of holiness.

Episode 4 Review

Original Air Date: April 18, 2013
Show Guests: Bishop Daniel Dolan, Bishop Donald Sanborn, Daniel Mitsui, Peter Mongeau
Show Hosts: Stephen Heiner, Magdalene Zapp

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